Instrumental History #8: The Heartfelt Four/Five (2003-Present)

An improvisational group formed by Fiona Stewart, Ross Parfitt and myself after splitting A Buffalo Crossing. Originally we played as a three piece before the inclusion of Deepak (primarily a guitarist) and much later (for just one evening so far) Ade - primary instrument bass guitar. The group essentially has no restrictions and that is part of the joy, whatever comes to hand can be used freely, whether deemed to be traditional instruments or as such something you can play in the regular sense, we allow ourselves to play, listen and enjoy.The improvisations are generally recorded and occasionally performed in front of audiences, but with the group moving further out around the country (and in Fiona's case, the globe), nights of improvisations for us are currently few and far between, but always a pleasure.Track 10 ('One Of My Random Injuries') of the 'EPs and Others' Compilation is an improvisation by the three founder members.
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