Out: 17 Modern Guitarists Salute Derek Bailey

Another compilation release is heading this way shortly, dedicated to the memory of guitarist Derek Bailey, who died late last year.
My piece, 'Blindfold Dancer' (3.43) is based on an improvisation on acoustic guitar played with a vaquita (the stick usually used to play a berimbau) with overdubs on an electro-acoustic bass guitar, effected glockenspiel, acoustic guitar bowed and scraped with a vaquita and guitar slide through a reverb box and shouting and clapping recorded in a stairwell. It was influenced by the sound of Derek Bailey's 'Music and Dance' collaboration with Min Tanaka.
From the myspace site, which contains a low-res streaming of the compilation..
"Out: 17 Modern Guitarists Salute Derek Bailey" is a compilation of original guitar improvisations by several guitarists who wanted to show respects for Derek Bailey. Bailey was an idiosyncratic genius of a guitarist, mostly unknown but to those interested in avant garde music and experimental guitar. He died Christmas Day 2005. He championed free playing in jazz and beyond. Rather than try to prove a doctorate on the techniques used by Bailey, the participants agreed to record improvisationally and to let their own techniques and technology bring their own signature tip-of-the-hat, though some evoked his sound. Musicians include Bruce Stevens, Chris Shaffer, Christopher Allen, DLed, Dan Stearns, David Beardsley, Ed DeGenaro, Gary Corcoran, Ian Naismith, Jason Fink, Jim Hearn, Jonathan Buchanan, Michael Vick, Newbie Brad, Rigsby Smith, Steve Milberger, and Todd Madson. This project has been parented by Kronosonic.com and produced by 3 Pups Music. Sincere thanks to Unfretted.com and Myspace itself. Also to America, England, Russia, Germany and Norway (for these guitarists!) Look here in one to two weeks for a higher-fidelity cd for sale.
For more info, visit www.myspace.com/out17salutederekbailey